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11:1 (大卫的诗,交与伶长。)我是投靠耶和华;你们怎么对我说:你当像鸟飞往你的山去。
(Psalm 11 For the Chief Musician. [A Psalm] of David.)In Jehovah do I take refuge: How say ye to my soul, Flee [as] a bird to your mountain;
11:2 看哪,恶人弯弓,把箭搭在弦上,要在暗中射那心里正直的人。
For, lo, the wicked bend the bow, They make ready their arrow upon the string, That they may shoot in darkness at the upright in heart;
11:3 根基若毁坏,义人还能做什么呢?
If the foundations be destroyed, What can the righteous do?
11:4 耶和华在他的圣殿里;耶和华的宝座在天上;他的慧眼察看世人。
Jehovah is in his holy temple; Jehovah, his throne is in heaven; His eyes behold, his eyelids try, the children of men.
11:5 耶和华试验义人;惟有恶人和喜爱强暴的人,他心里恨恶。
Jehovah trieth the righteous; But the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth.
11:6 他要向恶人密布网罗;有烈火、硫磺、热风,作他们杯中的分。
Upon the wicked he will rain snares; Fire and brimstone and burning wind shall be the portion of their cup.
11:7 因为耶和华是公义的,他喜爱公义;正直人必得见他的面。
For Jehovah is righteous; he loveth righteousness: The upright shall behold his face.
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