Let Grace Abound (2) 18/4/2010
Everything Is Possible For Him Who Believes <1 Ti 1:5-8-11> <2 Co 9:6-11> <2 Ti 1:3-7> <Mk 9:20-24>
Introduction: Lord Jesus said: “Everything is possible for him who believes”. Therefore, believers all know that faith can fulfil infinite great things. However, many believers do not know how to make themselves have faith. A number of believers even feel condemned and sorry toward God because their faith is often not enough. Thus, their lives and serving are often in the state of discouragement, fear, self-reproach. Actually, faith does not come from man’s willpower or active behaviour, but it is given by Holy Spirit, it comes when a person’s spirit can accept grace. We can believe God because of our intimate relationship with the Lord, not because the Lord commands us to have faith then we can have faith. In the 4 Books of Gospel, many of whom the Lord Jesus commended as men of faith were healed because of their faith. But the ‘faith’ that the Lord commended is the spirit that can accept the Lord’s grace, instead of the heart which earnestly seeks blessings. When a person acknowledges Jesus as his Lord and believes in His unconditional compassion and grace, the Lord’s grace and help will come upon that person. Then, his body, heart and spirit will be absolutely protected, he will prosper and succeed in all the things he does. Therefore, in learning the lesson of sincere faith, we must begin from the principle of [there is no condemnation in Christ, we are already loved, received covenant, blessed in Christ]. Because how much love a person receives from the Lord determines how much he can have faith to give out. How much a person is touched by the Lord’s grace will determine the level of his faith to submit to the Lord. Hence, when a believer has absolute affirmation of his image, he will naturally have faith. The devil first destroys our image, then crushes our faith. Therefore, if believers have absolute assurance of their blessed image in Christ, even if we are occasionally overcome by transgressions, we will not lose our faith. Instead, we will draw closer to the Lord’s grace, receive more mercy to stand up and testify beautifully for the Lord. This is just the faith of all great people of faith in the Bible.
* Our Lord Jesus Christ became flesh (complete faith). He Himself is the entire presence and all power of God. Therefore, before Him, there is not one demon that cannot be cast out, not a storm that cannot be calmed, not an illness that cannot be healed, and not a man who can hurt or kill Him, unless He willingly let Himself be hurt or let Himself die.
* Hence, no matter what kind of lacking, limitations, illnesses, interpersonal problems or difficulties in life we face, faith is the only way to make us more than conquerors.
* Because our faith is in a process and we have weaknesses, so we cannot be like the Lord, who have complete faith and assurance in every situation/difficulty.
* Many a times, we also feel powerless, fearful and even condemned because we are unable to believe.
* In fact, when we are unable to believe, God does not demand us to believe, but wants us to return to grace. When our faith is weak, the Lord most wants to reveal His grace to us. Because Jesus Christ was nailed to the cross and had already filled up all our lacking. Even in areas where we cannot believe, He already had complete compassion on us.
* Actually, if we think about our faith living, we can grow till today all because we can see the Lord bestowing grace on us. When we felt inferior, God gave us some successes; when we felt guilty, God gave us comfort/liberation through men; when we were down and out, God opened ways for us with miracles; when we were extremely worried, God protected us, so that those things which we worried about did not befall us. In all these, God continues to let His grace abound, so that our faith can grow.
* The purpose for God to bestow grace is so that our hearts can be touched by grace, so that our faith can grow, thus we can continue to triumph more beautifully, especially in matters of saving, healing and raising up people.
* <He 11:1>: Now faith is being [sure] (absolute contents) of what we hope for and [certain] (beliefs that absolutely do not change) of what we do not see
* God is with us = God Himself becomes our loving kindness, righteousness, provisions, abundance, protection...
* Those who can enjoy God Himself as loving kindness, righteousness, provision, abundance, protection, etc, can naturally enjoy God’s practical loving kindness, righteousness, provision, abundance, protection...
* Absolutely do not use own current conditions or level of faith to assess the blessings of this promise. God convicts and guides us at the level of our faith.
* The devil often deceives us to make us think that because we have no heart or power to pray, God will not listen or answer. In fact, the weakest prayer, if made in Jesus Christ’s name, will be answered. When we know this mystery, then we will look out for God’s answers after prayers, and thus rejoice and be strengthened.
* God permits suffering and difficulties within the boundary of our faith, so that we can receive benefits. However, Satan keeps hinting us with what our faith level still cannot reach, so that we fear and doubt God’s faithfulness. In suffering, God has absolute grace and power to support us, we only need to watch and see.
* Many believers’ misunderstanding toward this promise is they thought ‘must do, must evangelise’, thus feel pressurised, or see own weak and limited conditions and feel it is impossible. In fact, God wants us to accept and begin praying, then see how God open doors for us and compel us to testify for Him. Hence, absolutely do not despise ourselves.
* God’s comfort in our weaknesses, help in our helplessness, mercy in our sins, affirmation in our doubts...when we continue to see these, faith naturally grows.
* Men’s mouth brings out intentions. When we always confess the contents of faith (e.g.: “Lord, You are my righteousness, help, provision…! I am loved, I received covenant, I am blessed!”), our spirits will produce faith, then demons (problems) can be cast out. Thus, lifting our hands to the Lord, proclaiming and responding with ‘Amen’, are all essential to our faith.
* Especially when spirit is weak or troubled and cannot pray, the best way to be liberated is continue to listen to covenanted message. Some sick receive healing while listening to the Word.
* When we meet and interact with those who pray with pure hearts and confirm the works of God in our midst, we will naturally be liberated from many trials and temptations <2 Ti 2: 22>.
* Sometimes, in busyness or while facing daily spiritual battles, appropriate recreation and unleashing to make our spirits happy, will protect our hearts and minds (faith).