Sunday Service
<Exodus 23:14-17>
Meeting God by
Remembering the “3 Festivals”
All our problems can be resolved and all our
weaknesses will be changed when we are being filled with the Holy Spirit
Things of this world will not last. You might have
something today but lose it tomorrow. Or you might not have something today,
but acquire it tomorrow
Only the reality and will never change. And the
reality will be fulfilled tomorrow
We have already acquired the life which can never
And what God wants to accomplished in our life is
to let us acquired the perspective that’ll never fail
And when we’ve possessed that perspective, we will
lead a life that will never fail
This is because for us as children of God, our
life starts from having received God’s fullness in Jesus Christ. Therefore, our
prayers are surely different from religious people.
Religious people pray to ‘attain a higher level’ (修炼) whereas our prayers
are to discover. Because all blessings are already ours in Jesus Christ
Religious people pray to receive more blessings whereas our
prayers are to confirm. Because we are already blessed and loved in Jesus
Religious people pray to endure whereas our
prayers started off as a having received victory in our problems.
Therefore, the results of our prayers are
different from those religious people. We pray in accordance to the Holy Spirit
(i.e. we pray through life). And with that, great power will come from the Holy
Spirit. And with great power, we will receive the fruits of the Holy Spirit
Therefore, God’s real concern is always life,
power and fruits
Read <Exodus 23:14-17>
v15 “empty-handed”
means when we faced God, we do not have the reason for joy or thanksgiving
we give thanks for the Spirits that dwells in us or the new life that we have
God wants us to remember these 3 festivals not in
a manner to make it into some memorial days only
The reason why we must remember it is to remind us
that we are actually nothing. We are just clay. But we have become the blessed
person today because of God’s love for us
Brief Outline:
1. Feast of Unleavened Bread
Unleavened bread = without yeast
Yeast = “world”
Therefore, through the Passover, we have got rid
of the worldliness in us and have belonged to the eternal kingdom.
The “feast of unleavened bread” is also known as
the “Passover”
On the day of the Passover, God has broken the
heads of the Egyptians and brought all His people out from the
The Israelites celebrate the Passover in the
Jewish calendar month of January. For us, we remember the Passover in the month
of March/April. It is the Good Friday / Easter Sunday, the day where Jesus
Christ has saved us.
It is all about the Life of Born Again
2. Feast of Harvest (Firstfruits Day)
3. Feast of Ingathering
Jewish calendar: ~September/October
Our calendar: ~July
This is nearing winter. Therefore, after harvest,
they gathered all the fruits and store it up, symbolizing the inheritance where
we’re going to receive.
It is about reaping the Fruits of living (Holy Spirit)
The Bible always talk about this 3 things: life,
power, and fruits
<John 10:10> I have come that they
(my sheep) may have life, and have it to the full (i.e. power and fruits)
<Acts 1:8> When the Holy Spirit
comes on you (i.e. life), you will receive power, and you’ll be my witness till
the ends of the earth (i.e. fruits)
<Mark 3:13-15> the reason why the
Lord calls us to follow Him
He wants to be with me and give me life. He wants
us to have an abundant life
He wants us to give us the power / authority to
cast out evil spirits
And He sends us to preach (i.e. to reap fruits)
When the Lord calls <Abraham>, He told
him that he will be the source of blessings (life)
Those Abraham blesses will be blessed and those
whom he curses will be cursed (power)
And his family (i.e. descendants), nations and
kingdoms will be blessed through him (fruits)
The same goes for <Joshua>
God says: “My servant, Moses is dead. And now I’ll
be with you” (life)
God says: “Be strong and courageous because nobody
is able to stand up against you, all the days of your life” (power)
God says: I will give you every land that you have
stepped on (fruits)
<Exodus> is all about life, power
and fruits
The Israelites have acquired life when they came
out of
They are able to go through the
They will then acquire fruits when they enter the
None of our problems can match the life, power and
fruits that God has given us
1. Feast of Unleavened Bread
2. Feast of Harvest (the
of salvation → our head is the most important. It give
us life (i.e. assurance of being loved)
of righteousness → protect us from accusation
Belt of
truth → the truth will bring strength to us
Shield of faith → to stop all the flaming arrows of Satan (i.e.
things that will harm us, or hint us)
Sword of the Spirit → for us to fight back
against the flaming arrows
of peace → we must have peace in all circumstances
Only with the full armor of God, we can rely on
the Holy Spirit, and pray for all things with all kinds of prayer
Only with the full armor of God, we can make the correct
judgment and think with the correct perspective.
Therefore, do we really possess the mystery of
picking up greater blessings through every problem from the evil one? E.g. if a
person has hurt us, not only we possess the mystery to forgive him but also to
love and intercede for him? E.g. when we lose strength, can we pick ourselves
up with double the strength?
Each time when we met with a problem, as long our
heart crave to love God, submit fully to Him, great spiritual power will follow
afterwards. When our Lord Jesus Christ becomes ‘our only one’, we can overcome
all problems.
We worry because we haven’t love God. We fear because
God is not ‘our only’. Therefore, we are always afraid of losing, afraid of
troubles, hardships, etc.
God is our only! The surpassing greatness of
knowing Christ is the great power of the Gospel: With God, what else do I need?
We received lots of hints and fears from the
information/words we received. Nobody can overcome these hints / fears except
for those who have the great power of the Gospel in them. You can even
challenge Satan!
All men is weak in their
flesh. Therefore, flesh can never overcome Satan. Thus, once we’ve overcome our
flesh through the spirit of God (i.e. to died to ourselves and be alive in
Christ), we’ll have true answer to all of men’s problems.
The only way we can be successful or to overcome
all our problems is to die and resurrect in the word of God. It is definitely
not by our own endurance. The greatest power is Death and Resurrection.
3. Feast of Ingathering
After the Israelites had entered the
That’s the inheritance (fruits) which God has
prepared for us to gather.
<Mat 28:18-20> All authority in heaven and
on earth has been given to me, thus go and make disciples of all nations…
Having accomplished all things, Christ conclusion
of us is to ‘receive’ (得取)
<Acts 1:8> When the Holy Spirit
comes upon you, you will receive power, and you will be God’s witnesses (passive voice) to the ends of the
earth. It is not done by our own means/might. It is passive. God made us His
Therefore, the reward of God does not come from
what we’ve done or accomplished for God but how we live our lives in the
presence of God and man
Have you thought of the crown/reward that you’d
received in the
Is the crown something wore on your head filled
with lots of precious stones? If yes, then it’s going to be heavy and
A person’s crown is actually the degree of his
Your crown is actually how much others have
recognition / agreement over your life
Paul mentioned this in <Philippians; 2 Thessalonians>.
The crown we acquired is the crown of life. The crown that comes through our attractive power (i.e. how we are
loved, respected, trust by others)
E.g. if an argument broke out in the church, are
you going to join in and take side through carnal views or are you able to see
it with the most spiritual eyes. By having the latter, you are distinguished.
You will be respected by others and possess attractiveness among all men.
People will think of coming to you when they have great problems in their
This will be your crown!
Your crown is your ability to influence and
attract others with your life during your limited 70-80 yrs of lifespan on
“Attractiveness” → the fruits of life
Such a person will have great doors of evangelism
in their lives. They will influence lives. People will want to be with them,
listen to their views, note their way of life, etc.
If a person understands the meaning of fruits when
he pray, he will grasp God’s wonderful, timetable when
he prays. Instead of rushing to accomplish ministries, he will know what is God’s timetable in his family, his career, his church and
the people around him. He will grasp the work of God correctly, and see
great doors coming to him naturally. We will have hope when we see the timetable
for everything and hope gives us strength. Hope help
us move on.
Do not be a “small figure” and worry over those
little, nitty gritty things. Learn to be led by the
great vision of God in our lives.
1. The
Lord tells us to remember the meaning of Feast of the Unleavened Bread
(Passover = salvation / born again) whenever we pray. That took place on the
night of the Passover? What evidences did the Israelites get on that night?
Where should the Israelites be heading after they’d
2. The Lord also wants us to remember the meaning
of Feast of Harvest (Pentecost / Feast of Weeks = filled with Holy Spirit /
Receiving power). Ponder: on the day of Pentecost, where did the power acquired
by the 120 disciples come from? Am I able to acquire those powers when I pray?
Where does the mystery lies? Please share your
personal experiences during your SSG.
3. The Lord also wants us
to remember the meaning of Feast of Ingathering (Feast of Tabernacles = bear
fruits of life / evangelism and acquire people). When you pray at night, are
you able to see the new grace upon you throughout the day? Did you spend some
effort to discover the new fruits for the day? Are you being led by your
lifelong vision? Or have you acquired the timetable for personal, family,
regional and world evangelism?