Where is God's power?《Ro1:1,14-18; 12:21》
1. The power of God
1) The Sustaining Power of God
2) The Almighty God - El Shaddai
2. The gospel, the power of God
1) This power belongs to God
<Ro 1:1>
2) The power of being in debt
<Ro 1:14-15>
3) The (gospel) power that ought to be loved
<Ro 1:16a>
4) The power of grace to resurrect the dead
<Ro 1:16b>
5) The power works effectually only to everyone who believes
<Ro 1:16c>
3. In Christ's kingdom, we might just miss God's power
1) The power from vocal preaching and hearing of the Word
<Ro 1:15>
2) The power of righteousness: overcoming evil with good
<Ro 1:17-18>
* Evil (Satan)
<Ro 12:21>
3) Wise decisions is knowing how to limit your "free will".
<Deu 30:19>