Sunday Message, 3/5/2023, 9.30am
There is balance in God's truth《Pro11:1; Ex20:1,15; Mk12:38-39; Lk7:47》
1. Theft in the eyes of God.
1) Deceptive balances
Read <Pro 11:1>
2) Stealing can be sophisticated
Read <Ex 20:1,15>
· Heidelberg Catechism Q & A 110 says that the eighth commandment also prohibits us from taking our neighbor's goods "by means that appear legitimate".
2. Deceptive thefts in our beliefs.
1) Sin of omission and sin of commission
2) Why was Jesus constrained to expose the hypocritical appearance of virtues of scribes (and Pharisees)?
Read <Mk 12:38-39>
3) The grasp of the perfect balance of God’s truth is found in maturity and experience
3. God’s righteousness, God’s holiness.
1) We have to be open to learning.
(1) We have to decide, answer and act.
(2) We need to find principles that are not subject to relativism but that are subservient to God's truths.
(3) Re-learn in the midst of criticism, scrunity and failures.
2) We must continue to study the law of God and principles revealed therein.
(1) We need principles founded through understanding the character of God as revealed in His law.
(2) Love but that is defined by God Himself.
3) There must be preaching and wisdom to redress the balance of the truth about God.
Read <Lk7:47>