16/5/2021 [Family Message 5]                                                                                                                www.lifechurchmissions.com                    

Childlessness and getting at the will of God <Gen15:1-12,15,17-18>


Read:Gen 15:1-12,15,17-18


1. While there is a reality for some problems, we must remain open to God's leading.

1) As for blessed offspring’s, the original biblical principle is still through one's own birth.

2) However, we must challenge assumptions of childlessness, because God swears by Himself (the gospel of the cross) to keep covenantal terms.


2. Even if it meant losing some biblical blessings, we must escape the snare of the devil.

* Disbelief leads to self-closure, grievances, compromises, etc


3. In fact, there are many practical benefits of being childless.

1) The flexibility and the proactive management of time and finance

2) Child-bearing can be distractions from one’s service and devotion to Christ

3) For the more elderly who do not have kids by their sides, the church can be grandchildren to them.


3. Of course, the childless couple have to be covenanted.

1) Give your time to make many disciples of all nations

2) Best is serve together, because it is important to find other experiences than those in the home to serve holistically.